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Vedic Temple - Sthapatya veda

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  • Vedic Temple - Sthapatya veda
  • A perfect vedic yagya (yagna) temple is built according to the sthapatya veda rules. These rules strictly determine all aspects of the vedic architecture. Vedic Rishis with cosmic knowledge wrote down all rules in the vedic literature, in the vedas. A good yagya temple should be built according to the natural laws. In a temple with good vastu (layout, measurements, etc...) more effective yagyas can be performed with better results. The entrance of these buildings should situated to the east for the best effects, but all other things are well determined. If the temple is built according to sthapatya veda rules, more powerfull yagya ceremonies can be performed in it. Click the 'ask free yagya recommendation' sign in the yellow text box bellow and we send to you free of charge a personal yagya suggestion.