Internally Surya represents our tendency, ability and talent to act as a leader or authority. Physically Surya rules the aspect of the body, brain, bones, right eye. Person, who wants to enhance positive results and neutralize negative results, should perform Surya yagya.
Internally Chandra signifies our mindset and emotions, imagination ability, inclinations. Physically it represents blood circulation, generative organs, menstrual cycles, during weak and afflicted Chandra dasha and transit causes, disease of uterus, lungs, vulnerable to frequent cough and cold. Person, who wants to enhance positive results and neutralize negative results, should perform chandra yagya.
Internally Mangal represents our mental strength, courage, boldness. Physically it is dry and fiery planet governs marrow, blood, head, neck muscular system. During the weak and afflicted Mangal dasha and transits it causes, disease of pitta imbalance, piles, accidents, surgery, fractures. Person, who wants to enhance positive results and neutralize negative results, should perform Mangal yagya.
Internally Mercury represents the intellectual mind, logic, communication skills. Power of discrimination and confidence. Business, accountancy, information technology. Physically Budha rules phlegm bile and wind (Tridosha), skin, mind nervous system. During its weak and afflicted dasha and transit causes asthma, intestines, insomnia, and restless mind. Person, who wants to enhance positive results and neutralize negative results, should perform Budha yagya.
Internally Guru represents spiritual growth, wisdom, learning, happiness and optimism. Physically Guru represents fat and blood, liver, hearing power. During its weak and afflicted dasha and transit causes jaundice, diabetes and other disease of liver, pancreas, glands, gall bladder etc. Person, who wants to enhance positive results and neutralize negative results, should perform Guru yagya.
Internally Sukra represents enjoyments or material comforts. Our five senses are governed by Sukra. It is charming, sensuous. Physically it governs private parts, kidneys, semen. During its weak and afflicted dasha and transit causes venereal disease, diabetes, stone in bladder, weakness of sexual organs and paralysis. Who wants to enhance positive results and neutralize negative results, should perform Sukra yagya.
Internally Shani indicates responsibility, longevity, justice, continue struggle, hard work with less remuneration. Physically Shani governs body’s parts of joints, knees, nervous systems, veins. During its weak and afflicted dasha and transit causes chronic and painful disease, leg fracture, cancer, paralysis, gout, flatulence or Vatta imbalance. Who wants to enhance positive results and neutralize negative results, should perform Shani yagya.
Internally Rahu is a shadowy planet, represents desires, mysterious, confusions. It signifies cheats and immoral acts, misunderstandings, lack of decision. Physically Rahu treats as a Shani, During its weak and afflicted dasha and transit causes malignant growth, wounds and skin problems, ulcers, spleen, worms, high blood pressure, chronic problems, bad dreams.
Internally Ketu represents powerful mind, higher state of consciousness. Physically Ketu signifies same as Mars (Mangal). During its weak and afflicted dasha and transit there can be wounds, high fever, and undiagnosed disease, deafness, defective speech, and fear from black magic or tantric activities, disease due to pets. Who wants to enhance positive results and neutralize negative results, should perform Ketu yagya.
The planetary yagyas are basically performed to strengthen the planets which affect a particular area of life. Thereby decrease the negative influences in dasha and transits. This yagya includes all planetary yagyas, and helps to get rid of the negative effects of all.
In Vedic astrology if Mars is placed in any of the houses 1,4,7,8 or 12, in a Horoscope it is known as manglik dosha. This Dosh is usually said to delay the marriage of the affected person and create disturbances even after marriage or in the worst cases it may cause the death of the spouse. Person can ask for analyzing manglik dosha and can perform yagya for removing its dosha.
The Kaal Sarp Yog is formed when all the planets are present in between Rahu and Ketu. If all seven planets come between Rahu and Ketu then it is not good. The person who born in this Yoga, faces different kind of problems and instability in life like disturbances in mind, loss in business, family problems etc. A person, who has Kaal Sarpa Yoga in the horoscope always fear from death, suffers from tensions and insecurity.
Sade-sati is one of the hardest periods in every one's life. Saturn is the planet of sorrow and hardships. When Saturn passes through the 12th Rashi (sign) from the birth moon sign, the sade-sati begins. Some of the results of sade-sati are frequent failures, loss of property, money, illness, trouble in the career, worry, loss of mental peace, fear etc. It is advisable to perform Yagya for sade-sati.
According to Vedic Joytish, if a person is born either in Ashvini, Revati, Magha, Ashlesha, Moola or Jyeshtha nakshatra then the birth nakshatra's of the person is said to have Gandmool Dosha. It is said birth in gand mool Nakshtra gives adverse results but it’s bad results depends on its pada (part). To know the details please feel yourself free to write to us.